Friday, January 13, 2012

A Big World Out There

Recently, I saw someone say on Facebook, or some blogger post, or some forum that Facebook was the WalMart of social networking. Let's assume this is true for the moment. Can we at least aspire to Costco performance?

WalMart can come in handy. You pretty much know what to expect whether it is a WalMart in Arizona or Alaska. It is open convenient hours and you won't pay outrageous prices for anything you buy there. You won't find the best products or service there either. The same goes for Facebook.

I see some of my Facebook friends posting some pretty good things, stuff that deserves a wider audience than their 204 friends or even their 2843 friends of friends. So, what we need is a way to preserve the convenience and at perceived intimacy of Facebook while getting out to the larger world.

Perhaps there can be great linkage to the Google-blogspot-blogger world? Let's see. Facebook friends, I am experimenting on you.

[Sidenote: I have not used Blogger for a few months, but I have been typing things into computers for about 41 years and have written C++ code performing bit-level functions. I hit the Preview button, get my preview, and my only choices are to publish or preview. Huh? What if I want to edit? Oh, I see...  I need to close the tab I'm on, or at least move off it, and get back to the tab (still open) that I came from and edit over there. This is idiotic. Most software seems to be written by morons.]